Biochem I Masthead

Structures of Small Molecules & Building Blocks

1. Chime images
(Campbell chapters)

Small Molecules
(Chapter 1)


Amino Acids
(Chapter 3)


(Chapter 7)


Lipids & Steroids
(Chapter 6)


(Chapter 12)

An Introduction to Basic Organic Nomenclature is Dave Woodcock's series of Chime pages that show images of alkanes, functional groups, aromatics, etc.. A good review (or preview) of structures in organic chemistry.
The C4 chemical library Molecular Library MonoViewer: a large selection of small biological molecules in one Chime frame (or viewed side-by-side in the DuoViewer).

2. Quizzes on the small molecule structures
Amino Acid Structure Quiz: GIF images of amino acids.

aaQIconAmino Acid Identification Quiz: Chime images.
nucQIconNucleotide Identification Quiz: Chime images.

The images displayed on the linked pages require the Chemscape Chime plug-in. For optimal interactive viewing, Chime v2.6 is recommended. The CMU Chime Tutorial provides an introduction and overview of how to manipulate the structural models.The Chime Viewer's Guide is a one page listing of the basic mouse actions and menu options available for Chime.

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