The following text and table are taken from the RasMol v2.6 manual in its HTML form (RasMol Manual: Frames). The text colors were added on a black background so as to correspond to the "standard" viewing window in RasMol. (The nucleoside color table was added to the original HTML version of the Manual, rasman.html).
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Amino Colours

The RasMol amino colour scheme colours amino acids according to traditional amino acid properties. The purpose of colouring is to identify amino acids in an unusual or surprising environment. The outer parts of a protein that are polar are visible (bright) colours and non-polar residues darker. Most colours are hallowed by tradition. This colour scheme is similar to the shapely scheme (second table) that is available under the RasMol Colours menu. The nucleosides are also colored differently in this scheme, as shown in the third table.

Amino Color Table for Amino Acids
Amino Acids Color Name RGB Values Hexadecimal
ASP, GLU bright red [230,10,10] E60A0A
CYS, MET yellow [230,230,0] E6E600
LYS, ARG blue [20,90,255] 145AFF
SER, THR orange [250,150,0] FA9600
PHE, TYR mid blue [50,50,170] 3232AA
ASN, GLN cyan [0,220,220] 00DCDC
GLY light grey [235,235,235] EBEBEB
LEU, VAL, ILE green [15,130,15] 0F820F
ALA dark grey [200,200,200] C8C8C8
TRP pink [180,90,180] B45AB4
HIS pale blue [130,130,210] 8282D2
PRO flesh [220,150,130] DC9682


Shapely Color Table for Amino Acids
Amino Acids Color Name RGB Values Hexadecimal
ASP, THR dark red [160,0,66] A00042
GLU red-brown [102,0,0] 660000
CYS bright yellow [55,55,112] FFFF70
MET, TYR dark yellow [184,160,66] B8A042
LYS blue [71,71,184] 4747B8
ARG dark blue [0,0,124] 00007C
SER, GLN orange [255,76,76] FF4C4C
PHE, PRO, TRP dark grey [83,76,66] 534C42
ASN flesh [255,124,112] FF7C70
GLY, VAL white [255,255,255] FFFFFF
ILE dark green [0,76,0] 004C00
LEU grey-green [69,94,69] 455E45
ALA light green [140,255,140] 8CFF8C
HIS pale blue [112,112,255] 7070FF


Shapely Color Table for Nucleosides in DNA & RNA
Nucleoside Color Name RGB Values Hexadecimal
Adenosine light blue [160,160,255] A0A0FF
Cytosine orange [255,140,75] FF8C4B
Guanosine light red [255,112,112] FF7070
Thymidine light green [160,255,160] A0FFA0
Uridine dark grey [184,184,184] B8B8B8

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