status: run performed on Tue Jan 23 00:14:24 PST 2001; NR database of 606866 sequences; archived
Sequence: (length: 87)
    .   10    .   20    .   30    .   40    .   50    .   60    .   70    .   80    .   90    .  100
[Blast result]
FFAS: [Score distribution]
id   e-value zscore     len     code    name
 1      5.56 6.73       84      Z01/714 1f53A yeast killer toxin-like protein   1f53A
 2      15.6 5.62       44      A00/414 1myn_   477. drosomycin        1myn_
 3      28.2 4.98       71      Z01/403 1dw7A   000._._._._._ 8.3 KDA PROTEIN (GENE MTH1184); METHANOBACTERIUM THERMOAUTOTROPHICUM;     1dw7A 1gh9A
 4      37.3 4.68       65      C00/237 2sn3_   477. Scorpion neurotoxin (variant 3)   2sn3_ 1vnb_ 1vna_
 5      46.0 4.45       98      F00/110 1ptoL pertussis toxin   1ptoL 1ptoF 1prtL 1prtF 1bcpL 1bcpF
 6      50.4 4.35       64      C00/029 2b3cA   477. neurotoxin cse-i  2b3cA 2b3c_ 1b3cA
 7      53.0 4.30       129     Z01/401 1cuoA azurin iso-2      1cuoA
 8      62.2 4.12       159     B00/422 2pil_ type 4 pilin (fimbriae) biological_unit   2pil_ 1ay2_
 9      63.1 4.11       76      F00/044 1mntB   323. Mnt repressor mutant with c-terminal residues deleted (   1mntB 1mntA 1qeyA 1qeyB 1qeyC 1qeyD
10      67.5 4.04       106     S00/010 2kauB   418. klebsiella aerogenes urease (urea amidohydrolase, ureas   2kauB 1krcB 1krbB 1kraB 1fwjB 1fwiB 1fwhB 1fwgB 1fwfB 1fweB 1fwdB 1fwcB 1fwbB 1fwaB 1a5oB 1a5nB 1a5mB 1a5lB 1a5kB 1ef2B 1ejrB 1ejsB 1ejtB 1ejuB 1ejvB
11      75.4 3.92       199     Z01/612 1f5jB   000._._._._._ BETA-1,4-XYLANASE; DICTYOGLOMUS THERMOPHILUM;     1f5jB 1f5jA
12      75.6 3.91       53      G00/054 3egf_   433. Epidermal growth factor (egf) (NMR, 16 structures after   3egf_ 1epj_ 1epi_ 1eph_ 1epg_ 1egf_ 1a3p_
13      77.2 3.89       87      A00/018 1a6s_ gag polyprotein fragment Mutant    1a6s_
14      77.3 3.89       94      A00/714 1b0xA epha4 receptor tyrosine kinase fragment    1b0xA
15      77.8 3.88       65      G00/080 6hir_   551. Hirudin (mutant with lys 47 replaced by glu) (K47E) (NM   6hir_ 5hir_ 4htcI 4hir_ 3htcI 2hir_ 1hrtI
16      80.4 3.85       122     B00/025 1bylA bleomycin resistance protein (sh-ble)     1bylA 1byl_
17      85.3 3.78       111     Z01/424 1eiwA hypothetical protein mth538       1eiwA
18      89.0 3.73       273     G00/075 2ramB transcription factor nf-kb p65 fragment (rela) biologic   2ramB 2ramA 1vkxA 1ramB 1ramA 1nfiC 1nfiA
19      90.4 3.72       82      I00/025 1f0mA ephrin type-b receptor 2 fragment (ephb2)  1f0mA 1sgg_ 1b4fA 1b4fB 1b4fC 1b4fD 1b4fE 1b4fF 1b4fG 1b4fH
PFAM_: run
COG__: run