please do

# The following script is a demonstration of how to
# rotate the molecule with a pause between frames
# and superpose proteins.

open pdb from "net" "1CRN"; 
open pdb from "net" "1BHP"; 

$SEL1 = select in "1crn" all;
color res of $SEL1 by <1.0,0.0,0.0>;
center on visible;

# ----------- example of loop with rotate view and delay ----------

$X = 0;
	rotate <15.0,0.0,0.0>;
	pause 0.2;
} while ($X < 20);

# ----------- example of superposition ----------

superpose "1bhp" onto "1crn" using "CA";
center on visible;

$RMSD = rms of "1bhp" and "1crn" using "CA";
$count = selcount of "1crn";

print "RMS is " + (string) $RMSD + " for " + (string) $count + " residues";

$X = 0;
	zoom 102.0;
	pause 0.2;
} while ($X < 20);

thank you