please do

# The following script is a demonstration of
# how to rotate a selection around an axis
# or some atoms of an het group around a bond,
# and move selection around.
# and save a pov-ray scripts.

open pdb from "net" "1ATP"; 

# --- select residues that are close to the ATP
#     show them and center view on it.

$SEL1 = select in "1atp" name "ATP1";
$SEL2 = select within 4.0 of $SEL1;
show res,side of $SEL2;
center on visible;
compute in "1ATP" hbond;

# ----------- rotate atp around an axis defined by two atoms ----------

$ATM1 = get coord " PG " of $SEL1;
$ATM2 = get coord " N1 " of $SEL1;

$X = 0;
	rotate $SEL1 by 20.0 deg around axis $ATM1 $ATM2;
	compute in "1ATP" hbond;
	pause 0.1;
} while ($X < 18);

# ----------- rotate a SUBPART of atp around an axis defined by two atoms ----------

$X = 0;
	rotate atoms of $SEL1 by 20.0 deg around bond " C1* " " N9 ";
	compute in "1ATP" hbond;
	pause 0.1;
} while ($X < 18);

# ----------- move atp around  ----------

$V[0] = <0.3,0.0,0.0>;
$V[1] = <0.0,0.3,0.0>;
$V[2] = <-0.3,0.0,0.0>;
$V[3] = <0.0,-0.3,0.0>;

$i = 0;
	$X = 0;
		move $SEL1 by $V[$i];
		compute in "1ATP" hbond;
		pause 0.1;
	} while ($X < 5);
} while (++$i < 4);

# --- save a pov ray scene, and launch the rendering pov engine.

export pov in USRSTUFF as "1atp_activ2.pov" and render;

thank you