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An experimental unified interface to query several protein identification tools accessible on the web.

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Sample name:

Organism Species or
Organism Classification

Keyword from KW lines:

Protein Mass (MW):  [Da] within MW range (in percent):

pI (isoelectric point): -  (min - max)

Peptide Mass Fingerprinting

Cleavage agent is:
Allow for missed cleavage sites (MC)
Cysteine is:
Methionine is:
Number of peptide fragments required
for protein match:

 Single AA substitution / peptide
Min. number of matches with
no AA substitutions is: 
Peptide Mass shift:  [Da]

Ion mode is:
Isotopic resolution is:
within mass range:
List of peptide masses:

Amino Acid Composition
in molar percent

Amino Acid Composition of Unknown Protein

Amino Acid Composition of Calibration Protein
Data for a calibration protein is optional.

(Asp+Asn=Asx; Gln+Glu=Glx)

Asx:  Glx:  Ser:
His:  Thr:  Ala:
Pro:  Tyr:  Arg:
Val:  Met:  Ile:
Leu:  Phe:  Lys:

Protein ID: (example: ALBU_BOVIN)

Asx:  Glx:  Ser:
His:  Thr:  Ala:
Pro:  Tyr:  Arg:
Val:  Met:  Ile:
Leu:  Phe:  Lys:


Peptide Mass (neutral):  [Da] within mass range 

Peptide sequence tag:   'X' can be used to mean 'any amino acid'.

 Search for all possible tag permutations.
 Display only the sequences matching the tag.
 Include scan of your tag against all fragments
      in SWISS-PROT/TrEMBL matching your OS/OC
      (and KW terms for SWISS-PROT only).

 Display the predicted of the protein.

Number of results returned:

Your e-mail:


read help  Check on-line help before using.

Send your comments by e-mail your comments

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