Structural Classification of Proteins

Fold: DNA topoisomerase IV, alpha subunit

2 domains: (1) toprim alpha/beta; (2) "winged helix"-like


  1. Root: scop
  2. Class: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta)

  3. Folds consisting of two or more domains belonging to different classes
  4. Fold: DNA topoisomerase IV, alpha subunit

  5. 2 domains: (1) toprim alpha/beta; (2) "winged helix"-like


  1. DNA topoisomerase IV, alpha subunit (1)
    1. DNA topoisomerase IV, alpha subunit (1)

    2. domain 2 contains the catalytic tyrosine residue
      1. DNA topoisomerase IV, alpha subunit
        1. Methanococcus jannaschii (1)
          1. 1d3y seq
            1. chain a 
            2. chain b 


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