Dali Domain Dictionary 

PDB Text Matching: 2rmu

Protein chains in the current selection

Chain Representative Domain architecture Compound Xrefs
2rmu1 1aym1
45 % ide
215/273 aa
1.7 A rmsd
Strip Cartoon
Rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) (mutant with val 1 188 replaced by leu) (V188L in chain 1) 2rmu
2rmu2 1aym2
62 % ide
251/255 aa
1.0 A rmsd
Strip Cartoon
Rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) (mutant with val 1 188 replaced by leu) (V188L in chain 1) 2rmu
2rmu3 1aym3
53 % ide
230/236 aa
0.9 A rmsd
Strip Cartoon
Rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) (mutant with val 1 188 replaced by leu) (V188L in chain 1) 2rmu
2rmu4 4rhv4
100 % ide
40/40 aa
0.0 A rmsd
Strip Cartoon
Rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) (mutant with val 1 188 replaced by leu) (V188L in chain 1) 2rmu

Protein domains in the current selection

Domain representatives are shown for all member domains. Click on the button to select a particular class or subclass and to view its
member domainsconsensus coresequence profileposition in fold spacemodular distribution cartoon
Class size 2nd cousins size Cousins size Siblings size Representative domain Protein family Rainbow aa Segments
36 22 11 2 1aym3:2
human rhinovirus 16 coat protein(hrv16)Mutantbiological_unit: icosahedral particle containing 60 copies each of four viral proteins, vp1, vp2, vp3 and vp4 (PSI-Blast) 191 EEEEEEEEEEEE
2 1aym2:1
human rhinovirus 16 coat protein(hrv16)Mutantbiological_unit: icosahedral particle containing 60 copies each of four viral proteins, vp1, vp2, vp3 and vp4 (PSI-Blast) 252 EEEEEHEEEEEEE
4 2 1aym1:3
human rhinovirus 16 coat protein(hrv16)Mutantbiological_unit: icosahedral particle containing 60 copies each of four viral proteins, vp1, vp2, vp3 and vp4 (PSI-Blast) 222 EEHEEEEEEE
1 1 1 1 4rhv4:1
Rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) (PSI-Blast) 40

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Dali Domain Dictionary 2.0 (c) L. Holm. EMBL-EBI, September 1998